Management of stress among health care professionals in Bulgaria  Cover Image

Management of stress among health care professionals in Bulgaria
Management of stress among health care professionals in Bulgaria

Author(s): Zaharina Savova
Subject(s): History
Published by: Балканска асоциация по история и философия на медицината (БАИФМ)

Summary/Abstract: The subject of professional stress in healthcare professionals and its consequences is of present interest in both Western European countries and the United States, however, it is not paid enough attention in Bulgaria. The awareness of the symptoms and effects of professional stress is very rarely a matter of discussion in the professional environment. The Bulgarian healthcare system reform and the consequent changes have some adverse effects. Decreasing job satisfaction, deviation between professional expectations and actual working conditions can be observed. Job stress levels have been on increase in professionals working at healthcare institutions. Job stress studies define the medical profession as a model of a high-stress profession. The medical job is a risky job due to the work and professional factors affecting it, and is stress-generating job due to its psycho-physiological nature. A variant of a stress state is the so-called burnout syndrome. This phenomenon occurs with long-term high stress levels which the body and mind can no longer deal with, and is mainly manifested by deep emotional exhaustion, loss of energy, lack of interest to the job which was ‘all’ until recently.

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