Academician Konstantin Pashev (1873–1961) and his scientific school  Cover Image

Академик Константин Пашев (1873–1961) и неговата научна школа
Academician Konstantin Pashev (1873–1961) and his scientific school

Author(s): Lachezar Ivanov, Tsvetomir Dimitrov
Subject(s): History
Published by: Балканска асоциация по история и философия на медицината (БАИФМ)

Summary/Abstract: The purpose and objectives of the author are to move towards a new interpretation of the scientific work of the prominent Bulgarian scientist-ophthalmologist academician Konstantin Pashev (1873–1961), to outline the parameters of his scientific School whose occurrence is associated with the foundation of Faculty of Medicine in Sofia in 1917–1918. The methodology is specific and primarily involves the historical method, but also some interdisciplinary intuitive-logical methods. The analyses and summaries are based on the criteria of Thomas Kuhn (scientific schools at all) and Miladin Apostolov (for scientific schools of medicine). The working hypothesis of Ts. Dimitrov is confirmed and this leads towards a complete characterization of the national scientific ophthalmological school of academician K. Pashev. The author examines scientific paradigms of the founder of Bulgarian Ophthalmology, his growth as a scientific leader and a prominent clinician and physician-politician. Ts. Dimitrov emphasizes on the public recognition of his contributions towards science in Bulgaria. The author also investigates the most solid scientific contacts and communications with most famous European scientists, ophthalmologists and the influence of leading European schools of Ophthalmology in France, Germany, Austria and Hungary. In this article, scientific testimonials, ratings and awards that represent Academician Konstantin Pashev as a scholar of European and world rank, are cited. Academician Assen Hadjiolov- the founder of the first Bulgarian school of Embryology and Histology, defines Him as “one of the most prominent international ophthalmologists in the 30s of the 20th century.”

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