Mokytojo vaidmens kaita: bendruomenės įtraukimas siekiant mokymąsi daryti veiksmingesnį
Changes of teachers’ roles : involvement of comunity for effectiveness of learning
Author(s): Aušra Rutkienė, Vaiva ZuzevičiutėSubject(s): Education
Published by: Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas Švietimo akademija
Keywords: teachers’ competencies; social cohesion, experiential learning.
Summary/Abstract: Teacher is becoming both the source of information and promoter of the meaningful learning. Teacher is also is expected to help students to achieve a whole range of competencies that are be essential if a process towards social cohesion is to be fostered. The problem question that is addressed in this study is what opportunities for learning it is possible to create by teacher, what competencies teachers need and how these competencies change. Therefore the purpose of this paper is to present the theoretical and empirical study aimed at identifying teachers’ communicative and cooperative competencies in their educational practices. Critical and comparative scientific literature analysis together with qualitative study (implemented in the process of participation in the project “Strategies for Inclusion and Social Cohesion in Europe from Education“ Contract No. FP6-028603-2 (Integrated project, VI Framework Programme), coordinated by Barcelona University) have been employed as methods for the development of this paper. Study was implemented in Spring, 2008, as a part of longitude study (5 years of observation: 2007–2011), supported by the VI Framework project. Conclusions state that teachers employ different teaching methods. The study seems to reveal that respondents seem to be allocating explicitly certain roles to certain social actors. Curriculum and the assessment seem to be perceived exceptionally as a teachers’ duty. Communicative and cooperative competencies are very important and useful in their educational practices. Children are entitled to modification and adaptation of the curriculum, if that suits better the needs of child, and however, it is clear that sometimes the workload is not appreciated by others. Also, teachers think that parents’ participation in class would help them to see what teacher does better. Social cohesion seems to be an accepted value of the dominant democratic culture, and however, it is not still completely clear to what extent this value is supported by practices, in our case – participation in school practices and educational practices. Teachers are more supportive for participation than other groups of respondents.
Journal: Pedagogika
- Issue Year: 2009
- Issue No: 95
- Page Range: 53-57
- Page Count: 5
- Language: Lithuanian