Fifth Meeting of the ICTM „Music and Minorities“ Study Group in Prague, 2008 Cover Image

Пета среща на изследователската група "Музика и малцинства" в Прага 2008
Fifth Meeting of the ICTM „Music and Minorities“ Study Group in Prague, 2008

Author(s): Rosemary Statelova
Subject(s): Music
Published by: Институт за изследване на изкуствата, Българска академия на науките

Summary/Abstract: The organizers of the Fifth Meeting of the ICTM “Music and Minorities” Study Group in Prague included the Humanities Faculty of Charles University in Prague and the Ethnological Institute at the Czech Academy of sciences (plus a structure called Slovo 21). The hosts consisted of a small group of young people led by Dr Zuzana Jurkova, and the conference took place in the Hotel Jeneralka, a historic mansion now run by the European Association of Baptists. The Bulgarian participation represented a definitive turn in our ethnomusicology towards so-called “new directions” in the discipline: minority music, Roma music, music and media, music of the Bulgarian diaspora, mutual influences between traditional and popular music, and faraway fields in ethnomusicology and ethnography. For that reason our papers clustered around three basic conference themes: 1. Roma music and dance; 2. Market and mass media representation of minority music and dance; 3. Cultural politics for the preservation of minority music and dance. Presenters, in order of appearance, included: Veselka Toncheva with her original film “The ‘Many-Coloured’ Bride from Galata, Teteven Region” (produced by Bulgarian National Television); Elena Marushiakova and Veselin Popov with a paper entitled „The Song Repertoire of Servi-Roma in Ukraine”; Ventsislav Dimov, “Roma Musicians in the Music Industry in Bulgaria (1944–1989)”; Lozanka Peycheva, “A Roma Musician Bulgaria – Between the Local and the Global”; Angela Rodel (our colleague and translator, currently working on her dissertation on the topic of Bulgarian folk singing), “Bessarabian Bulgarian Musicians and the Politics of Culture and Immigration”; Ivanka Vlaeva, “The Safeguarding and Developing of Turkish Community Traditions in Bulgarian Cultural Politics”; Rosemary Statelova, “Lusatian Sorbs in Germany: Radio Broadcasts in the Upper Lusatian Language”. (Unfortunately, Claire Levy was unable to attend to present her paper “The Roma Impact on Wedding Music in Bulgaria and the Neo-Folk Perspective”.) One key factor in the “mass” Bulgarian participation at the ICTM conference in Prague was the presentation of the Englishlanguage volume The Human World and Musical Diversity, published in 2008 as part of Bulgarian Musicology. Studies series. The volume was compiled and edited by Rosemary Statelova, Angela Rodel, Lozanka Peycheva, Ivanka Vlaeva and Ventsislav Dimov. The 407-page collection contains all papers submitted for publication from the Fourth Meeting of the ICTM Music and Minorities Study Group in Varna in 2006. It also comes with a compact disc containing musical examples related to the papers, which were edited and mastered by Dr. Gerda Lechleitner of the Phonogrammarchiv-Vienna in the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

  • Issue Year: 2008
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 167-169
  • Page Count: 3
  • Language: Bulgarian
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