Contribution to the Delimitation of the Southern Area of Striin in the XVIIIth Century Cover Image

Contribuţie la delimitarea ariei sudice a lui striin în secolul al XVIII-lea
Contribution to the Delimitation of the Southern Area of Striin in the XVIIIth Century

Author(s): Adina Chirilă
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Editura Universităţii de Vest din Timişoara
Keywords: Romanian language history

Summary/Abstract: The historical dialectology speaks about three forms of the Romanian word străin (< lat. *exterrenus or exterrinus) that were used in various dialectal areas, as elements of the unliterary Romanian language, between the XVIth and the XVIIIth centuries: strein (which was the literary form, as well), striin and străin. The first two covered the southern region (łara Românească), while străin was characteristic (after 1600) for the northern areas. As common knowledge, striin is considered to be a form used in the western part of łara Românească, and strein – in the east (including Bucharest). There is a piece of information though that could change this point of view, proving that the area of striin used to be more extended to the east, and it has been revealed by I. GheŃie and Al. Mares: the existence of striin in a document written somewhere near Bucharest, at the beginning of the XVIIIth century. We agree with this opinion, based on what we have discovered in the XVIIIth century copies of Antim Ivireanul’s sermons, regarding the very issue of strein – striin. Antim Ivireanul constantly used in his works (including the sermons – as seen in their oldest version, copied by Efrem between 1722 and 1725) the (literary) form strein. But the author of the next copy of the sermons (1730-1740) would change strein with striin. He was not very educated, and it is obvious that he was familiar with the form striin. There are reasons to believe that he was not from the western part of łara Românească, but from the east, and he knew the form striin from his native dialect. Thus, it is highly possible that the southern area of striin included, at least during the first half of the XVIIIth century, Bucharest as well.

  • Issue Year: 2007
  • Issue No: 45
  • Page Range: 99-106
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: Romanian
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