Forensic Phonetic identification and linguistic analysis of the speaker Cover Image

Fonetsko forenzičko prepoznavanje i lingvistička analiza govornika
Forensic Phonetic identification and linguistic analysis of the speaker

Author(s): Gordana Varošanec-Škarić, Gabrijela Kišiček
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Hrvatsko filološko društvo
Keywords: speaker identification; formant frequencies; speaker identification protocol; forensic phonetics; forensic linguistics

Summary/Abstract: Upon the request of the County Court of Zagreb, on the basis of the recordings obtained by the police eavesdropping of the GSM device, the identification of a male voice was to be performed. The male voice from the recording No. 1 – duration of 2.16 min (CD 1) had to be compared with the male voice from the recording No. 2 – duration 7.39 min. The whole material was phonetically transcribed for the purpose of examining regional pronunciation, dialect and idiolect. For the purpose of sound analysis, dubbing was performed as well. Linguistic analysis has shown the difference in the use of idiosyncratic words, as well as the difference on the phonological level. For instance, recognized speaker used word jaran 69 times (which is 170 times more that in the usage of Croatian language). In the sample of two recordings with the recognized speaker, idiosyncratic meaningful words such as [jǎraùn; bylan] show significantly more frequent absolute and relative appearance when compared with the appearance in Croatian language. Those words didn’t appear in the sample of the second speaker, but the recordings had some other words that coincided such as [razǔmiùS; pBùjdo]. Although the phonetic and linguistic analyses differ, they are tightly connected. According to the forensic phonetics protocol (SPID, Hollien 2002, Varo{anec–[kari}, 2008), auditory perception analysis of speech show high possibility of male person identification, i.e. experts’ recognition was 96% in range from 94% to 98%. Recognized speaker belongs to the group of stakavian ikavian Bosnian speeches: syntactically and morphologically that is eastern Bosnian variant (specific use of present tense, instead of negation plus infinitive [něùtþe; xǒùdati] he uses the typical form [něùtþeù da͜ ǒùdajuù], he is shortening infinitives, omitting initial [x], for example [ǒùdajuù], [yùtþ{eS] instead of RP Croatian [xǒùdaju], [xytþeS]. Phonetically, on the suprasegmental level of accent realization, the recognized speaker uses marked accents of the eastern stakavian variant (longer long–rising accent and after–stress length), he is shifting falling accents from the meaningful words to the proclitic, and on the segmental level his pronunciation of vowels is typical for stokavian dialect. Vowels are realized more forward and closed than those of cardinal vowels of Croatian Received Pronunciation, reduction and after–stress omitting of vowels appear. Phonetic description of voice shows slightly higher voice, narrow jaw aperture, dentalization, and modal phonation type. Furthermore, formant analysis of all vowels was made for both speakers (F2, F3), while vowel /a/ provided the analysis of F1 as well, because its average values are around 800 Hz and is not affected by the distortion of transmission.

  • Issue Year: 38/2012
  • Issue No: 73
  • Page Range: 89-108
  • Page Count: 20
  • Language: Croatian
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