The Influence of Legal Regulations on the Development of Religious Life in Slovak Republic.  Cover Image

Vplyv právnej regulácie na rozvoj náboženského života v SR
The Influence of Legal Regulations on the Development of Religious Life in Slovak Republic.

Author(s): Miroslav Tížik
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion
Published by: Sociologický ústav - Slovenská akadémia vied
Keywords: religious regulation; religious law; religious freedom; separation of the State and the Church; deprivatisation of religions

Summary/Abstract: The Influence of Legal Regulations on the Development of Religious Life in Slovak Republic. In 1990, new legislative conditions were established which enabled the free functioning of churches and religious organisations and provided religious freedom. Since then, there has been rise in the numbers of people declaring their faith and, at the same time, a gradual limitation of equal competition between groups working in this field. In comparison to other models in United States or in Western Europe that exhibit a gradual loosening of the ties between state and religion, in Slovakia, legislative modifications head towards the reinforcement of the link between traditional churches and the state. The deprivatisation of religion has arisen mainly due to direct state financial support of registered churches as well as the increasing influence of religious notions in politics. The treaty signed between the Slovak Republic and Vatican has had a significant impact, since it has mean setting up religious lessons in state and public schools, establishing an institute of religious exceptions as well as creating new working places in public and state administration for church representatives. Sociológia 2005 Vol. 37 (No. 1: 59-89)

  • Issue Year: 2005
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 59-89
  • Page Count: 31
  • Language: Slovak
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