Teenager Identity States and Learning Motivation Singularity Cover Image

Mokinių identiteto būsenos ir mokymosi motyvacijos sąsajos
Teenager Identity States and Learning Motivation Singularity

Author(s): Rasa Pukelytė, Loreta Bukšnytė
Subject(s): Education
Published by: Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas Švietimo akademija
Keywords: identity state; learning motivation; external and internal motivation.

Summary/Abstract: Nowadays teenager is living in the world of intensive globalization process and hudge technological change, what makes teenager identity formation more complicate in modern society as in traditional society. What is more, the human of nowadays world must to learn all his life to be able to catch the world. Very specific time for learning motivation formation is adolescence. One part of the scientists assumes, that during the time of teenager identity formation decreases teens learning motivation, because they bring they‘s energy to other activities, realated with identity formation. On the other hand, the second part of scientists assumes, that during the time of adolescence learning motivation increases, because the teenager are passig to higher identity states (being in higher identity state means to have more consciousness, that implicates the increase of learning motivation). Controversy opinion of the scientists was the stimul of the aim of this study - to find relationship between teenager identity states and learning motivation type. There were 119 participipants in the study – 74 girls and 45 boys from Kaunas gymnasium between 17 and 18 years old. Identity state was investigated with Objektive Measure of Ego identity Status and to explore learning motivation kind was used Internal and External motivation questionaire of J. Beniuliene (2007). The results of the study showed, that the greatest part of teenagers are in higher identity states. It was found the relationship between teenager identity states and learning motivation type in girls group: girls, who belong to lower identity states, has more expressed external learning motivation, and girls, who belong to higher identity states has expressed external and internal learning motivation at the same level. It is interesting that there were no relationship between teenager identity states and learning motivation among boys group, but it was found tendention, that boys are efected by internal and external learning motivation at the same level independent to which identity states (higher or lower) they belong. The reason, because there weren‘t found the relationship between identity state and learning motivation among boys group could be the fact, that boys less mpathize in the process of identity formation as girls.

  • Issue Year: 2009
  • Issue No: 94
  • Page Range: 23-27
  • Page Count: 5
  • Language: Lithuanian
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