A Western Saint in the Orthodox World: St. Martin of Tours in Mediaeval Church Calendars Cover Image

Eдин западен светец в православния свят – Св. Мартин от Тур в църковния календар през Средновековието
A Western Saint in the Orthodox World: St. Martin of Tours in Mediaeval Church Calendars

Author(s): Iskra Hristova-Shomova
Subject(s): Language studies
Published by: Институт за литература - BAN

Summary/Abstract: A WESTERN SAINT IN THE ORTHODOX WORLD: ST. MARTIN OF TOURS IN MEDIAEVAL CHURCH CALENDARS ISKRA HRISTOVA-SHOMOVA (SOFIA) (S u m m a r y) St. Martin does not appear among the main saints of the Byzantine tradition. His Greek Vita was written in the 8th or 9th century and is preserved in approximately ten copies. There are only two manuscripts (both of Italo-Greek origin) with his Greek service. Furthermore, there are two different short (synaxarion) Greek Vitae of St. Martin. In the Slavic tradition his memory is mentioned in about 15 early Gospel- and Apostle-MSS, all except one of a South Slavic origin and most of them Bulgarian. Also, the Greek synaxarion Vitae have Slavic translations which are compared in the article. Moreover, troparia for St. Martin are preserved in the Service of St. Menas which is also celebrated on November 11th. Greek originals of these troparia have not been found so far. Thus, they are either Slavonic originals or were translated from an unknown source. Most probably they were included in St. Menas’ service in Bulgaria during the 10th century. In conclusion: There are two traditions of the cult of St. Martin in the Slavic Orthodox world – one of them is represented in his short Vitae and is connected with Constantinople, the other one is connected with the Italo-Greek tradition and represented under his date in the Gospel- and Apostle-calendars, as well as in the troparia included in the Service of St. Menas. The second tradition probably derives from early Bulgaria and is to be seen together with the dedication of other Italian saints in Bulgaria (St. Alexander of Rome, Pope Stephen I, St. Alexis the Man of God, St. Apollinarius of Ravenna, St. Vitus, St. Erasmus of Formiae), especially in Ochrid. The article gives also some information on the folklore tradition of autumn feasts connected with St. Martin’s day.

  • Issue Year: 2009
  • Issue No: 41-42
  • Page Range: 87-104
  • Page Count: 18
  • Language: Bulgarian
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