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Author(s): Dragomir Bondžić, Vladimir P. Petrović, Nebojša Jovanović, Srđan Cvetković, Sanja Petrović Todosijević, Sofija Božić, Ranka Gašić, Bojan B. Dimitrijević, Ivana Dobrivojević Tomić, Ljubomir Petrović
Subject(s): Review
Published by: Institut za savremenu istoriju, Beograd
Keywords: Reviews; books;

Summary/Abstract: Reviews of books: Vlade Srbije 1805–2005 / Governments of Serbia, 1805–2005; Interesantna vremena, jedan život u dvadesetom veku / Interesting Times, a Life in the Twentieth Century by Erik Hobsbaum; Černobiljske jagode / Chernobyl Strawberries by Vesna Goldsvorti; Partizanska i komunistička represija i zločini u Hrvatskoj 1944–1946. dokumenti / Partisan and Communist Repression and Crimes in Croatia, 1944-1946. Documents; Svođenje računa, tranziciona pravda u istorijskoj perspektivi / Settling Accounts, Transitional Justice in the Historic Perspective by Jon Elster; Ljudi, ljudi... medaljoni 94 političkih, javnih, naučnih i drugih savremenika / People, People… The Medals of 94 Political, Public, Scientific and Other Contemporaries by Dragoljub Jovanović; Treći talas / The Third Wave by P. Hantigton; Život trgova na Baniji u prošlosti i sadašnjosti / The Lives of Squares at Bania in the Present and the Past by Radmila Pašić; Overconfidence and War, the Havoc and Glory of Positive Illusions by Dominic D.P. Johnsons; Oklop bez viteza / An Armor Without a Knight by Gordana Krivokapić Jović;

  • Issue Year: 2005
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 205-223
  • Page Count: 20
  • Language: Serbian
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