Az 1848–1849-es forradalom szlovák emlékezete 1918-ig Cover Image

Az 1848–1849-es forradalom szlovák emlékezete 1918-ig
Az 1848–1849-es forradalom szlovák emlékezete 1918-ig

Author(s): Daniela Kodajová
Subject(s): History
Published by: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Történettudományi Intézet

Summary/Abstract: The Kor/ridor, Slovak-Hungarian Historical Journal has come to existence as a result of cooperation between the Research Institute of the National Self-Government of Slovaks in Hungary, the Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, the Forum Minority Research Institute and the Institute of History of the Research Center of Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The founders’ intention through the journal is to create a professional forum between the two countries and nations, a bilingual, permanent platform, which provides the continuation of the dialogue, a better understanding of each other’s historical researches and an efficient exploration of our shared past. Daniela Kodajová investigates the aspects of the Slovak national discourse and its changes through times concerning to the events of the 1848-1849 Revolution.

  • Issue Year: 2014
  • Issue No: 01
  • Page Range: 20-50
  • Page Count: 31
  • Language: Hungarian
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