Habermas’ Theory of Lifeworld in Front of the Challenges of Postnational Constellation Cover Image

Хабермасовата теория за жизнения свят пред предизвикателствата на постнационалната констелация
Habermas’ Theory of Lifeworld in Front of the Challenges of Postnational Constellation

Author(s): Tchavdar Marinov
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Институт по философия и социология при БАН

Summary/Abstract: This article is an attempt to survey the importance of Habermas’ theory of lifeworld (Lebenswelt) within the postnational setting questioned by the same philosopher. The first part of the article represents an overview of his formal-pragmatic perspective towards the problem of lifeworld. It shows that Habermas conceives of lifeworld as a meaningful background of everyday communication, as long as the validity claims of speech acts and their illocutionary force structure the lifeworld in cultural traditions, patterns of social integration and kinds of personal identity. The process that sets up their unity – the personal socialization – refers to an additional problem, namely the so-called systemic integration which, in the Modern times, tends to blow up the communicative frame of lifeworld. The second part of the article pursues the rationalization of the latter during the Modernity and attempts to disclose the double character thereof: on the one hand, this process encourages the reflexivity of individuals towards the inherited cultural traditions but, on the other, it produces a sense deficiency within the contemporary lifeworld, ‘colonized’ by media of regulation. The proposed analysis tries to understand why the emancipation of the latter progressively destroys the communicative framework of lifeworld and argues that only the reciprocal recognition of members of commu-nication as autonomous individuals could recover the lost social integration. The problematic of mutual recognition poses also the third essential question the article deals with, namely the sense aperture of contemporary globalized lifeworld vis-а-vis new cultural traditions and the possibility to reconcile it with the quest and the maintaining of a European postnational identity. Key words: lifeworld, communication, speech acts, validity claims, cultural tradition, social in-tegration, personal identity, system, rationalization, media of regulation, postnational setting, globa-lization, European identity.

  • Issue Year: 37/2005
  • Issue No: 1-2
  • Page Range: 148-163
  • Page Count: 16
  • Language: Bulgarian
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