Прагматыка міфалагічных тэкстаў у беларускай
фальклорнай традыцыі пачатку 2000-х гг.
Pragmatists of Mythological Text in Belarusian Folklore Tradition of the Early 2000s.
Author(s): Ina A. ShvedSubject(s): Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Sociology, Sociology of Culture, Sociology of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej
Keywords: mythological texts; pragmatic; Belarusian folklore
Summary/Abstract: The following article presents the results of synchronous pragmatic analysis of mythological texts that exist in different regions of Belarus nowadays. The analysis takes into account thematic, linguistic and situational parameters of the actualization of mythological texts. It is shown that mythological texts, functioning in various forms of everyday, semi-ritual and ceremonial speech, affirm stereotypes of human behaviour, which are focused on the first member of the opposition „norm – anti-norm,” reveal the features of rules, regulations, prohibitions, and consequences. The wording of prohibitions, rules, and recommendations may not be included in the text if the experienced listener – „the bearer” of the tradition – has mastered the necessary background knowledge and is able to derive these formulations independently. Moreover, such conclusions can simultaneously relate to different areas: mythological knowledge, practical skills needed in everyday life and extreme situations, moral and ethical, religious ideas, and norms. Mythological stories, depending on the individual dispositions of the active bearers of the tradition can not only convince listeners of the existence of extraterrestrial forces and beings, the possibility of crossing the world border on both sides, the diffuse interpenetration of this and other worlds, affirm the unity of living and dead members, but also allow you to visualize, „feel/hear” representatives of the outside world. In addition to the dominant phatic function, informative, didactic, therapeutic, and emotional functions related to all of the above are defined.
Journal: Studia Białorutenistyczne
- Issue Year: 1/2021
- Issue No: 15
- Page Range: 107-131
- Page Count: 25
- Language: Belarussian