Application of the Porter Model in the Analysis of the Voice Communication Market in the Real Time on the Example of a Hypothetical Telecom Operator Cover Image

Primjena Porterovog modela u analizi tržišta govorne komunikacije u realnom vremenu na primjeru fiktivnog telekom operatera
Application of the Porter Model in the Analysis of the Voice Communication Market in the Real Time on the Example of a Hypothetical Telecom Operator

Author(s): Kasim Tatić, Lejla Borovina
Subject(s): Economy
Published by: Ekonomski fakultet u Sarajevu
Keywords: telecom market; Porter model; technological innovation; regulation; competitiveness

Summary/Abstract: In this material the authors conducted the analysis of telecomunnication market using Porter model of five forces, for the hypothetic dominant telecom operater in the economic and business environment with the features similar to those in Europe and North America. The analysis has been done for three different time periods characterized by different technological basis. This model was used because of its universality and easiness with regard to assesment of the existing level of competitiveness, and ability to reveal concrete and radical changes with which telecom operators are faced through the time. The model was particularly useful for clear distinction and determination of the link between technological innovation and consequent changes of the dominant market designe. It was done through the analysis of the changes of five key elements which determine the position of an operator on the market. The role of the regulator in changed conditions, as well as changes in applied regulatory policy, were analysed. The completely new rules were emphasized that are becoming more and more important with regard to competitiveness achievement. In that context particularly important are LLU and the regulation of VoIP services (services of IP telephony are treated as information technologies and for the time being are not subject of regulation). The general conclusion given in the paper is that analysis of markets of the voice communication in the real time using Porter model in this moment gives competely different picture comparing to the picture five years ago (occurance and wide adoption of wideband access technologies), as well as comparing to the picture ten years ago (occurance of the mobile service providers of the voice communication in the real time).

  • Issue Year: 2009
  • Issue No: 29
  • Page Range: 535-556
  • Page Count: 22
  • Language: Bosnian
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