The structure and communicative functions of the postscript in Polish-language
messages sent on postcards Cover Image

Struktura i funkcje komunikacyjne postscriptum w polskojęzycznych wiadomościach przesyłanych na kartach pocztowych
The structure and communicative functions of the postscript in Polish-language messages sent on postcards

Author(s): Daniel Dzienisiewicz
Subject(s): Pragmatics
Published by: Dom Wydawniczy ELIPSA
Keywords: postscript; postcards; Polish language; speech acts; linguistic pragmatics; epistolography; linguistic politeness;

Summary/Abstract: The aim of this article is to analyse the components of the addi􏰀onal notes contained in Polish- language messages sent on postcards in the second half of the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st century. The conducted examina􏰀on is intended to identify the elements cons􏰀tu􏰀ng the structure of the addi􏰀onal notes (i.e. the speech acts used most commonly there) and to determine the func􏰀ons fulfilled by the individual components of the postscript. The s􏰀mulus for taking up this type of inves􏰀ga􏰀ons was the fact that no research on correspondence sent on postcards had been carried out before. Overall, the analysis covered more than 2,600 postscripts separated from postcard messages. The study proves that consta􏰀ve statements as well as ini􏰀a􏰀ve and reactive speech acts are frequently found in the addi􏰀onal notes. It also points to the numerous func􏰀ons the postscript or its individual components might play in a postcard le􏰁er. The polite and pha􏰀c func􏰀ons come to the foreground, but the informa􏰀ve and emo􏰀onal func􏰀ons are also among the important ones.

  • Issue Year: 2022
  • Issue No: 09
  • Page Range: 28-47
  • Page Count: 20
  • Language: Polish
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