Alienarea parentală: atunci când instanţele acceptă ceea ce ştiinţa respinge
Parental alienation: the courts accepting what science is rejecting
Author(s): George VisuSubject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Psychology, Civil Law
Published by: Universul Juridic
Keywords: multifactorial model; diagnosing parental alienation; psychological assessment; legal implications;
Summary/Abstract: In this article we will present the main theoretical conceptualizations of parental alienation and we will discuss practical approaches to identifying it, including elements related to psychological expertise. Next we discuss the topic of psychological interventions in cases of alienation, in order to finally analyze the legal implications of its use in the courtroom. Currently, the concept of parental alienation does not have a solid scientific foundation, and specific methods for its identification and intervention are in an initial developmental stage. Cases of pure parental alienation are very rare, and in most cases where there are difficulties in parent-child contact, there are several reasons that justify the child's resistance (hybrid cases) besides the alleged alienating behaviors. The past decade has provided a growing body of research that has led the scientific community to agree on some issues, yet much controversy still surrounds the phenomenon. Uncritical and insufficiently documented use of the concept in the legal arena, often just to gain an advantage, can lead to decisions that are not in the best interest of the child.
Journal: Revista de dreptul familiei
- Issue Year: 2022
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 282-333
- Page Count: 52
- Language: Romanian