Lessons in the Time of Pandemic or Two Years of Solitude: Social Dimensions of the COVID-19 Crisis in the Field of Bulgarian Education Cover Image

Урок по време на пандемия или две години самота: Социални измерения на кризата с Ковид-19 в сферата на българското образование
Lessons in the Time of Pandemic or Two Years of Solitude: Social Dimensions of the COVID-19 Crisis in the Field of Bulgarian Education

Author(s): Greta Dermendjieva
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Distance learning / e-learning
Published by: Софийски университет »Св. Климент Охридски«
Keywords: Distance Learning; Electronic Environment; COVID-19; Distance Education; Pandemic; Bulgarian Education

Summary/Abstract: The article presents an analysis of the research results conducted by a team of researchersand journalists from the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication at Sofia University„St. Kliment Ohridski“ to establish the social dimensions of the COVID-19 crisis in education.A brief overview of two similar large-scale studies commissioned by the Ministry of Educationand Science used as a reference and comparison base for the present study was also provided.Public attitudes have been studied toward distance learning in the electronic environment andtheir change during the Pandemic.

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