Ethical-legal, technical, and methodological
aspects of oral-historical research during
pandemic times on the example of a project „Czech
Russians and the Crossroads of Modern and Contemporary
History: Biographical Interviews“ Cover Image

Eticko-právní, technické a metodologické aspekty orálně-historického výzkumu za pandemické doby na příkladu projektu „Čeští Rusové a křižovatky moderních a soudobých dějin: životopisná interview“
Ethical-legal, technical, and methodological aspects of oral-historical research during pandemic times on the example of a project „Czech Russians and the Crossroads of Modern and Contemporary History: Biographical Interviews“

Author(s): Igor Zavorotchenko, Irina Šulc
Subject(s): Oral history
Published by: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Keywords: Russian community; Czech-Russian history; oral-historical research; the pandemic era.

Summary/Abstract: The research project was started on April 1, 2020 and is designed for 3 years. Thefocus on the Russian community arose from the certain lacuna that exists in theCzech common consciousness regarding the historical memory of the representativesof the given community. It is important that the research is based on thekey issues of the modern Czech-Russian history: 1) the Czechoslovak Legion inRussia (1914–1918) and the Russian emigration in Czechoslovakia; 2) the liberationof Czechoslovakia and Prague (1944–1945); 3) the invasion of WarsawPact troops into Czechoslovakia (1968); 4) the Velvet Revolution (1989) and thecollapse of the USSR. During the research, a number of ethical, legal, methodological,and technical issues occurred. The article provides an overview of waysto solve it. One of the important questions is: How does the form of the interview(present/distance) affect the length and number of interviews? In addition,questions will be asked and answered about the technical problems of remoterecording and transcription, the difference in the length of the autobiographicalnarrative among different generations, audio-visual recording as opposed toaudio recording.

  • Issue Year: 2021
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 138-155
  • Page Count: 18
  • Language: Czech
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