„Nikt nie widział w tym niczego
szczególnego”. O kilku przeoczeniach
i uniwersalizacjach w Dwóch ojczyznach
Jana Józefa Lipskiego i o tym, co z nich wynika
“No One Saw Anything Special in It”: Omissions and Generalisations in Jan Józef Lipski’s
Two Homelands and Their Implications
Author(s): Agnieszka GraffSubject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
Published by: Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Keywords: Jan Józef Lipski; secular left; nationalism; Catholic Church; women
Summary/Abstract: Graff reads Jan Józef Lipski’s essay Dwie ojczyzny, dwa patriotyzmy [Two Homelands, TwoPatriotisms] as a manifesto of the secular leftist opposition. In 1981 it was attacked by“the real Poles” within “Solidarity” and by the regime’s “Grunwald” group. His project ofa critical patriotism rooted in the Christian tradition counters these attacks, but thepolitical identity constructed in it is based on certain omissions and generalisations.Lipski idealises the Catholic Church and overlooks its role in fostering nationalism. He alsoomits women, both as individuals and as a collective, making an alliance with the Churcha risk to women. Lipski’s essay – formative for the generation of the transformation – hascontributed to establishing the hegemony of the Catholic Church in democratic Polandand to women’s exclusion from the public debate.
Journal: Teksty Drugie
- Issue Year: 2021
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 17-32
- Page Count: 16
- Language: Polish