Organizational factors and engagement – results from an empirical survey Cover Image

Организационни фактори и ангажираност – резултати от емпирично изследване
Organizational factors and engagement – results from an empirical survey

Author(s): Vihra Naydenova
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Psychology, Organizational Psychology
Published by: Софийски университет »Св. Климент Охридски«
Keywords: organizational factors; training and development; leadership style; engagement

Summary/Abstract: The study examines the topic of engagement and some key factors that influence it. The role of Learning and Development and how it affects engagement is discussed, as are different leadership styles. Leadership styles are described – liberal, democratic, and authoritarian, and the leadership styles in modern times: transformational, transactional, and charismatic, are included, as well as their influence and relationship with engagement. Research in information technology and manufacturing companies with over 230 respondents is presented. The analysis showed that Training and Development correlated positively with all three aspects of psychological engagement, with the strongest relationship with Engagement (.524; p<.001). This is explained by basic characteristics of Engagement such as a sense of work significance, enthusiasm, pride in work, inspiration, a feeling of being challenged by one’s work, and dedication to it. The results of the regression analysis showed that Learning and development opportunities combined with Working conditions explained about 24% of the total employee engagement. The results of correlation and regression analyses showed that in all three studied leadership styles had a positive interrelationship with commitment, with the highest correlation with the transformational management style (p<.001). Regression analysis looking for the influence of leadership management style on employee engagement showed that when leaders applied a transformational management style, this style had a significant positive impact on changes in engagement. Transformational management style explained 29% of engagement. On the other hand, liberal and transactional styles also showed a positive and significant influence. A discussion, possible actions in the organizations, and recommendations are also presented.

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