Търновският новоизводен превод на Мъчението на св. 40 мъченици от Севастия
The Tărnovo Translation of the Martyrdom of the Forty Holy Martyrs of Sebaste Preserved in Reading Menaia Structured According to the Jerusalem Typiko
Author(s): Elka MirchevaSubject(s): Language studies
Published by: Институт за литература - BAN
Summary/Abstract: THE TĂRNOVO TRANSLATION OF THE MARTYRDOM OF THE FORTY HOLY MARTYRS OF SEBASTE PRESERVED IN THE NEW RECENSION OF THE READING MENAIA ELKA MIRCHEVA (SOFIA) (Summary) The Martyrdom of the Forty Holy Martyrs of Sebaste belongs to the earliest translated works in Old Bulgarian literature. Its two Old Bulgarian translations – the archaic Cyrillo-Methodian preserved in the Gherman Codex and the Preslav one in the Codex Suprasliensis – are well known and have been studied several times. In this article for the first time its Middle Bulgarian translation made from Greek originals in Tarnovo during the 14th century are presented in detail. The article provides a comparative textual and linguistic analysis of the three Middle Bulgarian translations in comparison with the relevant Greek versions, making extensive use of a large range of other original and translated works. In this context observations and conclusions have also been made about the Menaion-collections structured according to the Jerusalem Typikon, the techniques of the Tarnovo translators, and the characteristic features of the language of the medieval Bulgarian texts.
Journal: Старобългарска литература
- Issue Year: 2010
- Issue No: 43-44
- Page Range: 118-166
- Page Count: 49
- Language: Bulgarian