The Biographical Method in the Context of Conducting Qualitative Research Online – Possibilities, Limitations, and Ethical Concerns Cover Image

Metoda biograficzna w kontekście badań jakościowych realizowanych zdalnie – możliwości, ograniczenia i aspekty etyczne
The Biographical Method in the Context of Conducting Qualitative Research Online – Possibilities, Limitations, and Ethical Concerns

Author(s): Anna Dolińska, Kamil Łuczaj, Olga Kurek-Ochmańska
Subject(s): Media studies, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Methodology and research technology, Health and medicine and law, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
Published by: Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Keywords: biographical interviews; narrative interviews; COVID-19 pandemic; online interviews; qualitative research; ethics;

Summary/Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic and many months of lockdown have forced some social scientists to continue to do qualitative research remotely and conduct interviews using online communication platforms. However, the growing popularity of such a way of collecting empirical material causes not only technical difficulties but also raises yet another ethical concern. The aim of this article is to analyse the risks and benefits of conducting online narrative interviews, with particular emphasis on doing biographical interviews. The main question we discuss is: Is it advisable and ethical to continue conducting online biographical research considering the specificity of this method? The source material which is the basis of this article consists of two parts: 1. the analysis of methodological literature – a review of approaches and standpoints regarding doing research remotely and a summary of the arguments for and against conducting narrative interviews via the Internet; 2. we also rely on the auto-ethnographic observations of the researchers who participated in our project and the results of the project team’s internal discussions after conducting a trial of three biographical interviews using the Zoom platform, at the explicit request of the interviewees. Finally, we summarize the conclusions and share the comments and recommendations which are the results of the project team’s discussions about conducting biographical interviews online

  • Issue Year: 71/2022
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 61-84
  • Page Count: 24
  • Language: Polish
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