За движещите сили в природата и обществото
On the Motive Forces in Nature and Society
Author(s): Aleksandar NikolovSubject(s): Philosophy
Published by: Институт по философия и социология при БАН
Keywords: dualism; atom; force; freedom; equality
Summary/Abstract: The limit of divisibility atom-emptiness caught by Democritus is philosophically provable. But, by analogy with every polarity, between the two opposite sides one should envisage the phenomenon „power/force“ acting from the ideal-emptiness-source towards the material-atom-object. This bipolar micro-cell produces everything that follows in its exact image and likeness to its highest incarnation – a human consciousness-human body, respectively a social consciousness-social body (the human masses). Тhе motive power of the ideal consciousness over the material body is indisputable (the ideas are moving the masses). The basic criteria for living comfort of the human being, and hence the social organism as a whole, playing the role of the chief protective mechanism, are the opposite ideals of freedom and equality. Their dialectics is spiral. The thesis „freedom“ (democracy) gives birth to inequalities (contradictions) that cleave it. As a result appears the antithesis „equality“ (socialism). Than we have a new unity of synthesis – „a social democracy“ as a return to the democracy, but with elements of a socialism. Thus we are getting to the ideal balance between freedom and equality, according to world social equation: freedom + equality = ideal (democracy + socialism = ideal)
Journal: Философски алтернативи
- Issue Year: XX/2011
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 118-131
- Page Count: 14
- Language: Bulgarian