Средновековни фрески, открити при разкопките във Велико Търново
Mediaeval Frescoes of the Archaeological Excavations Accomplished in Veliko Tarnovo
Author(s): Diana Kosseva, Konstantin TotevSubject(s): Fine Arts / Performing Arts
Published by: Институт за изследване на изкуствата, Българска академия на науките
Summary/Abstract: Our research is aiming at displaying the results of our observations and the conclusions drawn from the work with the new mural material uncovered throughout the excavations done at six churches situated on the city citadels of tzarevetz and trapezitza (№ 9, 12, 2, 19) and on the great laurel „sts. Holy Forty Martyrs” in the medieval capital of bulgaria. the coming mural material has been selected, conservated and analyzed, however in some of the excavated churches the work is not accomplished yet and the observations are just preliminary. In other cases all the fragments have been uncovered, however the conservation, the fortification and the sorting of the murals is not accomplished yet, hence we do not exhausted all the possibilities for recreation and reconstruction of images, scenes or details. While processing the fragments we have few groups differentiated according to the depictive repertoire. The first one comprises parts of backgrounds of a single colour. Others are showing parts of limiting frames of the depictive areas. Another differentiated group of fragments consists of pieces with floral and geometric ornaments. The most common element is a dragged spiral ornament which had filled the architectural joints of the interior. Parts of the geometrical ornaments decorated the plinth surfaces, the concave panes, pilasters or formed separate compositions of ornaments of another group of fragments we have parts of garments – folds, wrist-cuffs, necklines, sleeves and others but there is not a possibility of fitting the pieces into a whole picture or figures. A separate group of fragments is the one of hand depictions. Amongst the numerous fragments there are pieces of depictions of thirty different faces. We accented over the biggest ones, since they are expressing most clearly the stylistic characteristics of the artistry.
Journal: Проблеми на изкуството
- Issue Year: 2011
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 48-57
- Page Count: 10
- Language: Bulgarian