Elemente jurisprudenţiale privind accesul la datele cu caracter personal prelucrate în activitatea parlamentară
Case law on access to personal data processed in parliamentary activity
Author(s): Nicolae PloesteanuSubject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law, Civil Law, EU-Legislation
Published by: Universul Juridic
Keywords: Hessen Land Parliament; General Data Protection Regulation; request for access to personal data; petitions committee; scope of GDPR;
Summary/Abstract: The Court of Justice of the European Union ruled in Case C-272/19 that the processing of personal data by the Petitions Committee of the Hessen Land Parliament falls within the scope of the General Data Protection Regulation. In this study, the CJEU case law is used to highlight some rules and criteria for interpreting an exception to the application of the GDPR in order to distinguish between situations which are covered and those which are not, in the light of Article 2(2)(a) of the Regulation to the effect that such activity is not covered by Union law. The study also highlights certain points in the national judge's application to the CJEU for a preliminary ruling, which seem to lead to the idea that the national judge was trying through his role to obtain from the Court a broader „dialogue” than necessary for the resolution of the case.
Journal: Revista română pentru protecţia şi securitatea datelor cu caracter personal
- Issue Year: 2022
- Issue No: 01
- Page Range: 22-25
- Page Count: 4
- Language: Romanian