Theoretical Aspects of Life-Cycle Personal Finances Management Cover Image

Asmeninių finansų valdymo teoriniai aspektai gyvenimo ciklo požiūriu
Theoretical Aspects of Life-Cycle Personal Finances Management

Author(s): Daiva Jurevičienė, Aušra Klimavičienė
Subject(s): Economy
Published by: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Keywords: Personal financial assets; personal finances management; and finance planning process; personal investments; life- cycle; and life-cycle finance.

Summary/Abstract: The ar­tic­le exa­mi­nes the the­o­re­ti­cal as­pects of per­so­nal fi­nan­ces ma­na­ge­ment. The ar­tic­le reve­als the con­cept of fi­nan­cial as­sets and in­vest­ments, and the sco­pe of per­so­nal fi­nan­ces management. Va­rio­us aut­hors’ ap­pro­a­ches to fi­nan­ce plan­ning pro­cess are dis­cus­sed. The links between per­son’s li­fe cyc­le and in­vest­ments are in­ves­ti­ga­ted. Li­fe-cyc­le fi­nan­ce wi­de­ly ana­ly­zed by foreign scien­tists is in­tro­du­ced in the ar­tic­le. Aut­hors in­di­ca­te ne­ces­sa­ry pro­spec­ti­ve re­se­ar­ches in the area of per­so­nal fi­nan­ces ma­na­ge­ment.

  • Issue Year: 2008
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 22-32
  • Page Count: 11
  • Language: Lithuanian
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