The test used provocatively as evaluation-educational tool in university preparation of pedagogic students Cover Image

За провокативното използване на теста като оценъчно-обучително средство при университетската подготовка на педагози
The test used provocatively as evaluation-educational tool in university preparation of pedagogic students

Author(s): Snezhanka Dobreva Georgieva
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Higher Education , Pedagogy
Published by: Шуменски университет »Епископ Константин Преславски«
Keywords: test; statistic’s data; educational practice; analytical context; perspectives

Summary/Abstract: The author of the research presents results from testing among students specialising Preschool and Primary School Pedagogic and Preschool Pedagogic of Faculty of Pedagogic in University of Shumen Bishop Konstantin Preslavski. The diagnostic programme is initially created for measuring language development of the children in the transition between last preparatory group and first grade. The test is used in unusual context- as a test of the skills of students who would be teachers in kindergarten ( primary educational stage) to solve it. The analysis of the test and results is made not only in the context of cognitive effects but in order to develop skills and professional abilities in working with speech development in children/first graders.

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