Speech development of children of preschool age Cover Image

Речево развитие на децата от предучилищна възраст
Speech development of children of preschool age

Author(s): Violeta Kyurkchiyska
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Preschool education
Published by: Шуменски университет »Епископ Константин Преславски«
Keywords: related speech; educational software products; kindergarten

Summary/Abstract: Each period has its significance for the upbringing, socialization and education of the future of the nation-children, but pre-school education has a special place. It marks the beginning of building ideas, relationships, competencies. The development of connected speech in this period is a priority in the work of the preschool pedagogue, who seeksmethods of work adequate to the modern development of technology. The presented educational software products "Grandpa takes out turnips", "Wheat bread" and tales about Sly Peter are an attempt to respond to the need to look for forms of work for the development of related speech in children.

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