Prototext and Its Changes (Poem by Ivan Laučík in a Letter to Peter Repka and its Segments in the Poems “Biely film” [White film] and “Tam, kde nie som” [There, Where I’m Not]) Cover Image

Prototext a jeho zmeny (báseň Ivana Laučíka v liste Petrovi Repkovi a jej segmenty v básňach Biely film a Tam, kde nie som)
Prototext and Its Changes (Poem by Ivan Laučík in a Letter to Peter Repka and its Segments in the Poems “Biely film” [White film] and “Tam, kde nie som” [There, Where I’m Not])

Author(s): Matúš Mikšík
Subject(s): Slovak Literature
Published by: Ústav slovenskej literatúry SAV
Keywords: Ivan Laučík; Solitary Runners; prototext; semiopoetic interpretation

Summary/Abstract: The article provides interpretation of the changes the prototext of Ivan Laučík’s (1944 – 2004) poems “Biely film” ([White film] from the collection Havránok, 1998) and “Tam, kde nie som” ([There, Where I’m Not] from the collection Na prahu počuteľnosti [At the threshold of hearing], 1988) underwent since it was included in the letter to Peter Repka from 10 September 1970. The contribution concentrates on three main issues. The first one concerns the intertextual reference the prototext makes to the poem by the French journalist and author Jean-Paul de Dadelsen (1913 – 1957) “Jonas” and the possible meanings it brings to the prototext. The absence of this reference in the poem “White film” serves the convergent function. The article then provides a comparative interpretation of the changes between the prototext and the poem “White film”. These appear to have made the poem clearer and strengthened its metaphysical aspect through intensifying the presence of “illumination/light” motives and elements in the poem. Finally, the contribution analyses the modifications the last four lines of the prototext underwent before they were included in the poem “There, Where I’m Not”. The article argues that the poet attempted at simplifying the segment as to the poetic devices it employs and at making it clearer. In result, the singular lived experience was transformed into a general maxim.

  • Issue Year: 69/2022
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 268-278
  • Page Count: 11
  • Language: Slovak
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