„Does the neck make the brain go round”? Body parts in the linguistic view of the world (the case of the Polish szyja ‘neck’ and synonymous words) Cover Image

Czy „szyja kręci mózgiem”? Somatyzmy w językowym obrazie świata (na przykładzie leksemu szyja i wyrazów bliskoznacznych)
„Does the neck make the brain go round”? Body parts in the linguistic view of the world (the case of the Polish szyja ‘neck’ and synonymous words)

Author(s): Dorota Filar
Subject(s): Studies of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie
Keywords: semantics; the linguistic view of the world; body parts; neck

Summary/Abstract: It would seem that the Polish lexeme szyja ‘neck’ occupies an inconspicuous positionin the linguistic interpretation of the world and of humans. However, as this study shows,even this small element of the “body map” in Polish has a relatively large conceptualload. The starting point for the analysis is the basic conceptual content inherentin lexical definitions and in the most entrenched conventional meanings. The descriptionis then gradually extended onto more detailed conceptualizations, including meaningsactivated in contemporary written texts. Beginning with physical characteristics and anatomical functions, through references to health and illness, the descriptionreaches the linguistic conceptualization of complex human relationships and gestures,including those that invoke the concepts of life and death. This study is couched withinresearch on linguistic worldview and the principles of frame semantics. It is assumed thatanalysis cannot disregard the changes that take place in contemporary understandingof the world and the place of humans within it, as these changes have a bearing on thelinguistic worldview.

  • Issue Year: 23/2021
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 105-121
  • Page Count: 17
  • Language: Polish
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