Zmiany ustrojowe i rozwój przedsiębiorczości jako czynniki wpływające na strukturę pokrycia i użytkowania terenu na przykładzie zlewni Bełczy i Mszanki w Beskidzie Niskim
Political Changes and Development of Entrepreneurship as Factors Influencing Land Cover and Land Use Structure Based on the Example of Bełcza and Mszanka Catchment Areas in Beskid Niski Mountain Range
Author(s): Józef Żychowski, Witold JuchaSubject(s): Business Economy / Management, Agriculture, Regional Geography, Economic history, Political history, Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Present Times (2010 - today)
Published by: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego w Krakowie
Keywords: case study; changes in land use/land cover; mountain areas; political and social factors;
Summary/Abstract: The article presents the state of development and forms of entrepreneurship in two catchments located in the Beskid Niski mountain range. The often described process of the disappearance of economic activity in mountain areas, especially agriculture, was the reason for undertaking the research. The purpose was to check these changes and their directions in the catchment areas, also in a historical perspective. Factors that could have influenced the formation of entrepreneurial attitudes were given. The examples in the article can be useful in delivering topics during entrepreneurship classes in high school. Historical data was obtained through literature query. Information about the population, farms and local enterprises was collected at the Dukla commune office and village councils and through interviews. Changes in land cover were determined in GIS on the basis of two source materials (from 1978 and 2015). Despite significant political, economic and social changes (population exchange, sudden dissolution of State Agricultural Farms, depopulation of villages), both agricultural and agro-tourist farms operate in the catchments. The current land cover structure is similar to the 1970s. The EU subsidies for agriculture has encouraged entrepreneurs to take over state-owned agricultural land and their development. This case is worth discussing during entrepreneurship classes.
Journal: Przedsiębiorczość - Edukacja
- Issue Year: 16/2020
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 275-289
- Page Count: 15
- Language: Polish