The political component of Russian economic crisis Cover Image

Politička komponenta ruske ekonomske krize
The political component of Russian economic crisis

Author(s): Robert Barić
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: Fakultet političkih znanosti u Zagrebu

Summary/Abstract: Although it is not the primary reason for Russian economic collapse which occurred in August of 1998, the permanent crisis of Russian political system after 1991 had contributed to this breakdown. A major role in all this was played by the process of privatisation by which Russian natural and economic resources remained in the hands of the political/economic elite. The crisis of the political system in Russia has another consequence – bringing into question not only the attained degree of democratic development but also the future of democracy in Russia. Iako nije primarni uzrok ruskoga gospodarskog sloma do kojeg je došlo u kolovozu 1998. godine, konstantna kriza ruskog političkog sustava nakon 1991. godine pridonijela je navedenom slomu. Značajnu ulogu u tome imao je provedeni proces privatizacije, kojim su prirodni i ekonomski resursi Rusije ostali u rukama političko-ekonomske elite. Iz krize političkog sustava u Rusiji proističe i druga posljedica – dovođenje u pitanje, ne samo postignutog stupnja demokratskog razvoja već i budućnost demokracije u Rusiji.

  • Issue Year: XXXVI/1999
  • Issue No: 04
  • Page Range: 100-117
  • Page Count: 18
  • Language: Croatian
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