Terminological challenges in the study of the	appositional construction Cover Image

Терминологични предизвикателства при изследването на апозитивната конструкция
Terminological challenges in the study of the appositional construction

Author(s): Anton Getsov, Silvia Velikova
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Syntax
Published by: Шуменски университет »Епископ Константин Преславски«
Keywords: metalanguage; terminology; apposition; appositive; appositive relation; appositive (appositional) construction

Summary/Abstract: This article examines the use of key terms in research publications in the field of syntax which focus on the linguistic status, the specific features, and the typology and realisations of appositive constructions. The main focus of analysis is on the inconsistent, unacceptable and unjustified use of key terms, such as „apposition“, „appositive“, „аppositivity“, „appositional“, and their derivatives and word-combinations of a terminological nature. The arbitrary mixing and replacement of these terms could cause significant problems related to the presentation and reception of the texts in which they are used and the authors’ intention. The study also systematizes and summarizes the dominant meanings of the fundamental terms and analyzes some debatable solutions in regard to their use in linguistic studies in several foreign languages.

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