Aleksander Gieysztor and Gerard Labuda as Researchers in Universal History Cover Image

Aleksander Gieysztor i Gerard Labuda jako badacze historii powszechnej
Aleksander Gieysztor and Gerard Labuda as Researchers in Universal History

Author(s): Jerzy Pysiak
Subject(s): History
Published by: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Keywords: Aleksander Gieysztor (1916–1999); Gerard Labuda (1916–2010); Polish historiography of the twentieth century; general history; Middle Ages

Summary/Abstract: In concordance with the scholarly profile of the Warsaw historiographical schoolof the time, Aleksander Gieysztor’s early research, which begun in the 1930s. was devotedto the Carolingian monarchy and the origins of the crusade movement. It was not until afterthe Second World War that Gieysztor turned his attention to the Slavic studies, conductedfrom the very beginning by the Poznań historiographical school, to which Gerard Labudaremained faithful throughout his research career. Labuda was primarily interested in West-ern Slavdom, the origins of Slavic states (Samo’s Empire) and the political and legal aspectsof the functioning of early states in Central Europe. Aleksander Gieysztor’s studies on SlavicEurope focused mainly on early medieval Rus’ and on comparative research confronting thephenomena of the history of culture and the history of state and social institutions in Centraland Eastern Europe with analogous phenomena and processes known from Carolingian andpost-Carolingian Europe.

  • Issue Year: 30/2021
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 211-244
  • Page Count: 34
  • Language: Polish
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